Nov 16 1954 Air Pollution Foundation Press Release

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FOUNDATION SMOG PROGRAM INCLUDES STOP-GAP MEASURES The Southern California Air Pollution Foundation, in response to a request from Herbert C. Legs, Chairman Pro Tem of the County Board of Supervisors, has submitted a strongly reinforced and expanded research program aimed at combatting smog both on an emergency and long-range basis in 1955. The program, submitted to the Board today (Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1954) combines highly practical research with basic research. The proposed program offers the study and development of stop-gap, emergency action during the coming year. It includes the continuing search for better scientific tools, clearer identification of the contributors and contaminants identified with smog in the Los Angeles Basin. Unprecedented in scope an in its all-over approach, it would cost an estimated $2,214,400. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIR POLLUTION FOUNDATION. HOLD FOR RELEASE DATE EXPECTED TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1954
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