Part 2 President Johnson's Task Force on Environment Pollution Report 1964

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Your continued deliberations as a Panel of my Science Advisory Committee will undoubtedly lead to a clearer definition of these problems and more specific recommendations for action. Handwritten note: Identical Ltr sent to all members Your Task Force set forth clearly the magnitude of the pollution problem, and the urgency of increased attention to prevention and abatement of pollution of our soils, air and waters. In the years immediately ahead we have, I believe, an unparalleled opportunity to take some major steps toward creating the Great Society. You and your colleagues on the Environmental Pollution Task Force have made a major contribution toward that goal. Your ideas and suggestions will be of great help to me in formulating the program of this Administration now and in the years ahead. Letter from LBJ to Dr. Tukey Chairman of the Environmental Task Force, January 14, 1965

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2. Development of one or more Federal centers for fundamental research on pollution problems - including all chemical, physical, and biological aspects. 5. Establishment of effective air pollution control programs throughout the Nation. 4. Development of comprehensive water pollution control program in all the major river basins of the Nation. 3. Expansion of programs to support training and professional development of scientists and engineers in the environmental health and pollution control fields and the underlying basic sciences. To carry out these goals: 6. Development of a national policy that, through Federal, State, and local control programs, will reverse the trend toward increasing build-up of contaminants in the environment by abatement of existing pollution and the prevention of new potential pollution.
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