UNITEDSTATES CAPITOL POLICE TIMELINEOFEVENTSFORJANUARY 6,2021ATTACK This document memorializes critical events leading up to and during the January6,2021 attack at the U.S. Capitol. The timeline is as follows: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 •The United States Capitol Police (USCP)learns that different groupsofprotesters are organizing demonstrations on U.S. Capitol grounds related to the January6,2021 joint session to certify the electoral vote count. •Special Event Assessment issued for January6,2021 demonstrations. ■Initial assessment indicates two groupsofdemonstrators -a group called "Donald, You're Fired," an anti-Trump group, and a group called "Patriots United March," a pro-Trump group. ■Initial assessment finds "no information regarding specific disruptions or actsofcivil disobedience targeting this function." FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2020 •The USCP begins developing Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU) action plan for January6,2021 event. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020 •Metropolitan Police Department ("MPD") hosts first multi-agency teleconference in which agencies share intelligence and initial planning for the January6,2021 event.The following agencies are represented: oMPD oUnited States Park Police (USPP) oWashington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) oFederal Bureau Investigation Washington Field Office (FBI WFO) oFederal Bureau Investigation Headquarters (FBI HQ) oSupreme Court Police oUnited States Secret Service (USSS) oDC Fire&Emergency Medical Services (FEMS) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 •Revised Special Event Assessment issues for January6,2021 demonstrations. Page1of24