I () (/) ::·- c::: )'.' c: Q Report Required by the EthicsFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTAO IOin GovernmentActof1978 Rev.112007FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006(5 U.S.C.app. §§10!-l II) I.Person Reporting (last name, first, middle initial) Gorsuch, Neil M 4.Title (ArticleIIIjudges indicate active or senior status; magistrote judges indicate full- or part-time) Circuit Judge 7.Chambers or Office Address Byron White Cou1thouse 1823Stout Street Denver, CO80257 2.Court or Organization Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Sa. Report Type (check appropriate type) DNomination,Date DInitialAnnual Sb.Amended Report DFinal 3.Date of Report 08/23/2007 6.Reporting Period 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2006 8.On the basis of the information contained in this Report and any modifications pertaining thereto, it is, in my opinion, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Reviewing OfficerDate IMPORT"1.NrNd.TES:The instructions accompanying thisform must befollowed. Complete all parts, checkli1g theNONEboxfor each part where you have no reportableinformation. Sign on last page. I.POSITJONS.(Reporting individual only; see pp.9-13of instructions.) DNONE(No reportable positions.) POSITIONNAME OF ORGANIZATION/ENTITY l.MemberWalden Group LLC (mountain property) 2. 3. 4. 5. JI. AGREEMENTS.(Reporting individual only; see pp.14-16of instructions.) DNONE(No reportable agreements.)N PARTIES AND TERMS l.2005Kellogg, Huber, et al.- Iretain an interest in certain contingency cases in recognition of legal servicesIrendered while at thefinn. (j) C) :u-: c::- ;:;:; ·_:v: r>i ::- - -ri i--· -q () => = --' GJ N ..c )> 0 rr1co 2. 3.