Air Pollution Foundation Minutes and Agendas pt 4, November 10, 1955
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Dr. Hitchcock emphasized again that all the major sources of pollutants in the air must eventually be brought under control. All sources which emit hydrocarbons of any sort, whether backyard incinerators, automobiles, buses, power plants or heaters of any sort burning oil or gas, these must eventually be brought under a substantial degree of control.
Dr. Hitchcock emphasized again that all the major sources of pollutants in the air must eventually be brought under control. All sources which emit hydrocarbons of any sort, whether backyard incinerators, automobiles, buses, power plants or heaters of any sort burning oil or gas, these must eventually be brought under a substantial degree of control.
The Foundation's job is to help unite the efforts of industry, the government, and the public, both here and elsewhere, in ways which a private organization can function and which are not always available to public or governmental organizations. Through technical conferences and public information, the Foundation attempts to exert a stimulating and constructive influence on the course of air pollution work, primarily, of course, in the Los Angeles area.
The Foundation's job is to help unite the efforts of industry, the government, and the public, both here and elsewhere, in ways which a private organization can function and which are not always available to public or governmental organizations. Through technical conferences and public information, the Foundation attempts to exert a stimulating and constructive influence on the course of air pollution work, primarily, of course, in the Los Angeles area.
p. 14
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ever realized that oil and gas are really the basic elements underlying the economy of our area here. Without oil and gas we would have practically no other sources of energy or heat.
ever realized that oil and gas are really the basic elements underlying the economy of our area here. Without oil and gas we would have practically no other sources of energy or heat.
p. 16
We hear that they hope to have a successful device ready for Los Angeles authorities to test and approve or disapprove by early 1957 [faith in future technofix]
We hear that they hope to have a successful device ready for Los Angeles authorities to test and approve or disapprove by early 1957 [faith in future technofix]
Pollution caused by public utilities
Pollution caused by public utilities
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"Because this is a community problem in which every citizen is involved, both aas a contributor and a sufferer, public information as to what has been done, is being done, and will be done and what is required of each of us as citizens in that doing, is perhaps the most important single phase of the entire air pollution situation."
"Because this is a community problem in which every citizen is involved, both aas a contributor and a sufferer, public information as to what has been done, is being done, and will be done and what is required of each of us as citizens in that doing, is perhaps the most important single phase of the entire air pollution situation."