The Air Pollution Problem In Los Angeles, A. J. Haagen-Smit, Engineering and Science, December 1950
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Another example of this type of pollution is the private incinerator.
Another example of this type of pollution is the private incinerator.
At one end of the scale we find the petroleum industry, where a few refineries are handling many thousands of tons of material every day. But the half million automobiles driving around in Los Angeles contribute to their share of air pollution too. Together they burn approximately 12,000 tons of gasoline daily.
At one end of the scale we find the petroleum industry, where a few refineries are handling many thousands of tons of material every day. But the half million automobiles driving around in Los Angeles contribute to their share of air pollution too. Together they burn approximately 12,000 tons of gasoline daily.
Sources of pollution
Sources of pollution
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The volatile material released into the air consists of hydrocarbons, saturated and unsaturated, originating from products derived from the petroleum industry and industries using solvents of different kinds. This includes all the material lost at the oil fields, refineries, filling stations, automobiles, etc.
The volatile material released into the air consists of hydrocarbons, saturated and unsaturated, originating from products derived from the petroleum industry and industries using solvents of different kinds. This includes all the material lost at the oil fields, refineries, filling stations, automobiles, etc.
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These examples, incomplete as they are, suffice to show the complexity of the material released into the air. When these products are released and exposed to sun, air and water, drastic changes in the molecules take place.
These examples, incomplete as they are, suffice to show the complexity of the material released into the air. When these products are released and exposed to sun, air and water, drastic changes in the molecules take place.
On the basis of the analytical work, the conclusion was reached that the oxidation of organic material - under the influence of sunlight and ozone and possibly other air contaminants such as nitrogetn oxides - plays an important role in the pollution of the atmosphere. In these reactions, aerosols are formed which have eye irritating properties and which, because of the small size of their particles, are able to decrease the visibility.
On the basis of the analytical work, the conclusion was reached that the oxidation of organic material - under the influence of sunlight and ozone and possibly other air contaminants such as nitrogetn oxides - plays an important role in the pollution of the atmosphere. In these reactions, aerosols are formed which have eye irritating properties and which, because of the small size of their particles, are able to decrease the visibility.
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With these ideas on the causes of the smog nuisance, the smog elimination has entered a new phase. Careful studies have to be made of the amounts and nature of the organic material released into the air. In this way we can hope to make up a balance sheet on which al lthe deposits of the contributors are listed. Only in this unemotional wawy can we hope to bring relief to this area.
With these ideas on the causes of the smog nuisance, the smog elimination has entered a new phase. Careful studies have to be made of the amounts and nature of the organic material released into the air. In this way we can hope to make up a balance sheet on which al lthe deposits of the contributors are listed. Only in this unemotional wawy can we hope to bring relief to this area.