po digres
Weorvsmindd Anited States Senate a
iy 9, 204
Dowie D. King
Chief Excutive Officer
Tyson Foods
2300W. Don Tyson Parkway
‘Springdale, AR 72762
Dear Me King:
Last umes, youe company announced lan to close its pul plats in Noe and Dexter, Missouri, On
‘September 15, 2023, you personally assured me that you would not prevent a competitor from acquiring
See tens Hoes Dear horah Sota yous amram sieges tat wera
Your plan closures ls year did't ust aft the plant workers themselves, The sosures affted al the
armers who hd previously somicied with you company. Th recent lwo was Fld by Grandviow
Pouluy, on behalf of similarly sisi chicken arms, who hd contacted with Tyson o produce chicken
Treen in Fo beer Yo Frm or ecko prod Co Meoeog ore aare
oF Ty td td te Doro Plt Ys sormpettor; sons Tre won eee wet Preiored fo
Comins te ie.
That, apparcty, id not happen. he wit allges tha you company sold the Dexter plant Cal Mine
Foods, a non-competor which docs not proses bolr chickens. but produces abe gs. Farmers wha
ul thee farms for chicken production. essonsbly assuming that your company wouldve thers for them
ovat eas not lock asl 10. compeiter, hve now allegedly been Jf out nthe cod.
Crucially, the lowe logs that you “mised” me and Congressman Jason Sith shout you netions
forthe Beste plat, ad tat "tema dosumens” oniavons commitments you made o me and Rep
Srh. However, the key detuls other pont hav been redacted Tom the publty avaible cout lng
understand tha this information s currenly subject 0.3 protective order sued by th Cir Court of
New Madrid County ht woud preclude the lis ror diclosing
These are srious allegations, andthe peopl of sour deserve to know th truth, You shoud mmediscly
‘make this redacted information public, and additionally provide my office with an unredacted copy of the
ces seen pettan set ol weal dossier referee. 1 WHF lin cps yt son rep.
Thank you or your atention o tis important mater
os Hawley :
United Stas schtor