1998 ExxonMobil Pamphlet: Global Climate Change Everyone's Debate
p. 3
"for many years, we've carefully studied and worked to increase understanding of the issue of global climate change -- often referred to as 'global warming.' It's one of the knottiest and most contentious scientific subjects."
"for many years, we've carefully studied and worked to increase understanding of the issue of global climate change -- often referred to as 'global warming.' It's one of the knottiest and most contentious scientific subjects."
"Our analysis indicates that the current state of climate science is too uncertain to provide clear answers to many key questions about global climate change. Even if global warming were a proven threat -- which it is not -- targets agreed on in Kyoto, Japan, fail to provide a fair, practical or cost-effective solution."
"Our analysis indicates that the current state of climate science is too uncertain to provide clear answers to many key questions about global climate change. Even if global warming were a proven threat -- which it is not -- targets agreed on in Kyoto, Japan, fail to provide a fair, practical or cost-effective solution."
p. 4
"Scientists concerned about global warming point to the greenhouse effect, a proven natural phenomenon. Water vapor and carbon dioxide and other gases trap some of the sun's energy, creating a warming, or greenhouse, effect. Without it, Earth would be too cold to sustain life."
"Scientists concerned about global warming point to the greenhouse effect, a proven natural phenomenon. Water vapor and carbon dioxide and other gases trap some of the sun's energy, creating a warming, or greenhouse, effect. Without it, Earth would be too cold to sustain life."
"Climate change -- It isn't new"
"Climate change -- It isn't new"
"Over the past century, we've seen a slight warming trend of one-half degree Celsius (about one degree Fahrenheit). This recent warming trend falls well within the range of the natural changes in Earth's temperature over the past 250,000 years."
"Over the past century, we've seen a slight warming trend of one-half degree Celsius (about one degree Fahrenheit). This recent warming trend falls well within the range of the natural changes in Earth's temperature over the past 250,000 years."
p. 5
"Does the tiny portion of greenhouse gases caused by burning fossil fuels have a measurable effect on worldwide climate? No one knows for sure. That's the crux of the debate."
"Does the tiny portion of greenhouse gases caused by burning fossil fuels have a measurable effect on worldwide climate? No one knows for sure. That's the crux of the debate."
"Nearly all CO2 emissions come from natural sources. Only a small amount comes from burning fossil fuels."
"Nearly all CO2 emissions come from natural sources. Only a small amount comes from burning fossil fuels."
"the executive summary of the report, the part most people read, was heavily influenced by participants who are not scientists. The summary, which was not peer-reviewed, states that the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on climate. But many scientists say that a great deal of uncertainty still needs to be resolved."
"the executive summary of the report, the part most people read, was heavily influenced by participants who are not scientists. The summary, which was not peer-reviewed, states that the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on climate. But many scientists say that a great deal of uncertainty still needs to be resolved."
p. 6
"In December 1997, representatives from many governments attended policy meetings in Kyoto, Japan. Unfortunately, they ignored the scientific uncertainties and adopted steps to rein in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in some countries."
"In December 1997, representatives from many governments attended policy meetings in Kyoto, Japan. Unfortunately, they ignored the scientific uncertainties and adopted steps to rein in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in some countries."
p. 7
"Since economic growth and energy use are so closely tied, meeting the Kyoto target would clearly have a huge economic impact. A government study of six key U.S. industries found that meeting the Kyoto targets would cause production and employment to drop significantly. Many other industries not included in the study would also be hurt."
"Since economic growth and energy use are so closely tied, meeting the Kyoto target would clearly have a huge economic impact. A government study of six key U.S. industries found that meeting the Kyoto targets would cause production and employment to drop significantly. Many other industries not included in the study would also be hurt."
p. 8
"Projections show that most future emissions growth will come in the developing countries, including China, Mexico, Brazil and India. If burning fossil fuels proves to be a significant factor in global climate change, then exempting developing nations from the agreement raises issues of fairness and effectiveness."
"Projections show that most future emissions growth will come in the developing countries, including China, Mexico, Brazil and India. If burning fossil fuels proves to be a significant factor in global climate change, then exempting developing nations from the agreement raises issues of fairness and effectiveness."
p. 9
"The potential for climate change caused by elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a legitimate concern, and reducing the scientific uncertainties is important. We should continue to research this issue."
"The potential for climate change caused by elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a legitimate concern, and reducing the scientific uncertainties is important. We should continue to research this issue."
p. 10
"Exxon itself has funded studies by several major research organizations."
"Exxon itself has funded studies by several major research organizations."
"Fortunately, all indications are that climate change is a very long-term phenomenon. The U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment concluded, "Delaying the implementation of emissions controls for 10 to 20 years will have little effect on atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions."'
"Fortunately, all indications are that climate change is a very long-term phenomenon. The U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment concluded, "Delaying the implementation of emissions controls for 10 to 20 years will have little effect on atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions."'
p. 11
"Because of the scientific uncertainties, we don't have a clear understanding of the risks involved. The Kyoto agreement makes the cost of the policy high. No one can tell us with certainty what benefit we will gain. Thus, it doesn't seem to be a good time to buy the policy. Exxon believes that sound science and sound economics should light the way as society addresses climate change. Patience is important as we allow facts to guide our course of action."
"Because of the scientific uncertainties, we don't have a clear understanding of the risks involved. The Kyoto agreement makes the cost of the policy high. No one can tell us with certainty what benefit we will gain. Thus, it doesn't seem to be a good time to buy the policy. Exxon believes that sound science and sound economics should light the way as society addresses climate change. Patience is important as we allow facts to guide our course of action."