Former Philadelphia DA Seth Williams 3 21 2017 Indictment on Fraud and Extortion

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Williams was charged with 10 bribery-related counts, two extortion counts and 11 counts of wire fraud.

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Chocolate couch (p. 9)

Note by James Neff

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Businessman Ali says he wants Williams to be the next mayor, next governor and "maybe" the next president.

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Person # 1 (p. 14)

Note by James Neff

Inquirer reporters have not yet identified this friend of pre-paid phone card businessman Mohammad N. Ali. We will update this note with his identity as soon as we confirm it.

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Police office #1 (p. 14)

Note by James Neff

The Inquirer will add his identity to this note once we pin it down. Federal prosecutors would not provide it at a news conference announcing the Williams indictment; they added that the officer did nothing wrong.

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Michael Weiss and his brother Bill are co-owners of Woody's Bar in Center City Philadelphia.

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Bill Weiss is an owner of Woody's Bar in Center City Philadelphia. He also paid $1,000 to the former DA for airfare to Key West, Fla., gave him $1,500 in cash in 2015, paid $2,000 for a Williams' trip to Las Vegas in 2013, and paid $2,000 each for 2012 and 2014 trips to San Diego, according to Inquirer reporting.

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We will update this note when we confirm her identity.

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Person #3 (p. 41)

Note by James Neff

This person's identity will be added when it is pinned down.

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The unidentified relative is Seth Williams' mother, according to Inquirer reporting.

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Family friends (p. 45)

Note by James Neff

Luther and Sylvia Randolph, identified by Williams as family friends, gave him $10,000 for care of his mother in a nursing home.