FEC 1980 Party Money Document
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an- rr - insomce fg {Lil! N.W, Vgshington, 01:. 2G63 Phone: Local SB-406 -Y-- - - '2 ENEARGOED ER REIEXSE CLNIYACT: FRED HILHD - FEBRUARY 1.982 EHAKN SNYDER - FEC RELEASES FIGURES EN l9'J9-80 MAJOR POLITICAL HERE AEIIVITY Party . 1977-78 totals. 5 of pl.it1'ca1 pazdy ocrmnittces, at the state and local. levd, hun 1977-*18. I During tha l?79--80 elo0hi.?1 cycle, Damcratic Panty curmittas mised $37.2 Ofthe total spent, they raised an a1'H spent $16l.?ll?m1l1ion. Ofdaat total, $4.?gill1onwas spentonthei: 'behalf. hda; {adage], s. eaminzees of a political 9E'-ner EURl??d?*o me awount of mcmay per .. UB lg age P?Yulati?u ?f a These expenditures are in .. df Based on Federal Election Ommission fig$SI Repjlican raised as Democratic Barty l:teeso? candidates! aixd lymore than two-to-one, (cnordinated in the geneml eleqnm.) 11 jeu are taken from I. gg;. 7 ?j;gh' is ?our-volum! 1 2 I: Reoousds Office. 132] St., NW, D.C, 2045. hrputer ipes of the study Thepxices axe: g55 fg; pa;-qr-related infomatlnn; $70 Rm PAC
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