1971 Imperial Oil Research Requirements, Imperial Oil Ltd.
p. 6
"The oil industry in particular has suffered loss of public sympathy from that we have enjoyed over the last two decades. In the 50's and 60's, finding oil, building pipelines, developing markets was "good news". Nowadays, the public sees the development of Arctic oil, its transportation, the sale of natural gas to the U.S. as problem laden issues. This means new areas of concern for all corporate activities and continuing attention must be given to protecting and enhancing the reputation of both Imperial and the industry."
"The oil industry in particular has suffered loss of public sympathy from that we have enjoyed over the last two decades. In the 50's and 60's, finding oil, building pipelines, developing markets was "good news". Nowadays, the public sees the development of Arctic oil, its transportation, the sale of natural gas to the U.S. as problem laden issues. This means new areas of concern for all corporate activities and continuing attention must be given to protecting and enhancing the reputation of both Imperial and the industry."
p. 8
"Large quantities of oil and gas will be required in the late seventies to meet projected demand by the U.S. On the continental mainland of Canada only the Beaufort Basin has the potential to supply the needed reserves; traditional producing areas having relatively modest undiscovered potential. The Beaufort Basin and the Atlantic Coast are the most likely sources of Canadian offshore oil to meet the needs of the seventies with supply from the Arctic Islands not being available until the eighties due to transportation difficulties. Imperial expects to play a leading role in both the Beaufort and Atlantic areas."
"Large quantities of oil and gas will be required in the late seventies to meet projected demand by the U.S. On the continental mainland of Canada only the Beaufort Basin has the potential to supply the needed reserves; traditional producing areas having relatively modest undiscovered potential. The Beaufort Basin and the Atlantic Coast are the most likely sources of Canadian offshore oil to meet the needs of the seventies with supply from the Arctic Islands not being available until the eighties due to transportation difficulties. Imperial expects to play a leading role in both the Beaufort and Atlantic areas."
p. 18
"Protection of the environment is the key to predicting the trend not only of technology but of business decisions. Major contributors to atmospheric pollution are the automotive engine and industrial fossil fuel consumers. The conclusions derived from current studies involving lead-free motor gasoline and low sulphur fuel oils will have a major influence on corporate planning strategy."
"Protection of the environment is the key to predicting the trend not only of technology but of business decisions. Major contributors to atmospheric pollution are the automotive engine and industrial fossil fuel consumers. The conclusions derived from current studies involving lead-free motor gasoline and low sulphur fuel oils will have a major influence on corporate planning strategy."
p. 47
"More stringent control of vehicle emissions could force the imposition of severe and costly restrictions on future gasoline composition and additives. It is important that sound data be obtained to confirm or challenge the need for such restrictions in the interest of public health. We should initiate efforts, and preferentially cooperate with the automobile industry to develop engine accessories or modifications which would clearly provide lower cost alternatives to drastic changes in gasoline composition."
"More stringent control of vehicle emissions could force the imposition of severe and costly restrictions on future gasoline composition and additives. It is important that sound data be obtained to confirm or challenge the need for such restrictions in the interest of public health. We should initiate efforts, and preferentially cooperate with the automobile industry to develop engine accessories or modifications which would clearly provide lower cost alternatives to drastic changes in gasoline composition."
p. 129
"The present trend in legislation will require substantial expenditures to reduce emissions and waste discharge for all facilities and reduce the impact on the environment of the products we sell."
"The present trend in legislation will require substantial expenditures to reduce emissions and waste discharge for all facilities and reduce the impact on the environment of the products we sell."
"Public concern regarding environmental problems is being translated into legislation rapidly. Increasing attention is being directed to garbage and solid waste disposal."
"Public concern regarding environmental problems is being translated into legislation rapidly. Increasing attention is being directed to garbage and solid waste disposal."
"Major incidents in 1970, such as the "Arrow" and the mercury level found in fish in the Great Lakes and other waterways, have served to maintain the momentum of environmental awareness."
"Major incidents in 1970, such as the "Arrow" and the mercury level found in fish in the Great Lakes and other waterways, have served to maintain the momentum of environmental awareness."
p. 130
“The varied positions of members of the oil industry on lead-free gasoline have created a complete state of confusion in the public mind on the subject."
“The varied positions of members of the oil industry on lead-free gasoline have created a complete state of confusion in the public mind on the subject."
"...the federal government has promulgated tough new regulations under the Canada Shipping Act. The most disturbing aspects are the establishment of a fund to pay damages and provide for clean up of any oil pollution to be funded by a levy of up to 15 cents per ton on all marine oil cargoes..."
"...the federal government has promulgated tough new regulations under the Canada Shipping Act. The most disturbing aspects are the establishment of a fund to pay damages and provide for clean up of any oil pollution to be funded by a levy of up to 15 cents per ton on all marine oil cargoes..."
Formation of the Petroleum Association for the Conservation of the Canadian Environment (PACE)
Formation of the Petroleum Association for the Conservation of the Canadian Environment (PACE)
p. 131
Anticipating increased regulations
Anticipating increased regulations
"The Arctic Land Use regulations have been drafted and are expected to be announced in the near future. Obtaining new sites for plant locations will be a serious problem."
"The Arctic Land Use regulations have been drafted and are expected to be announced in the near future. Obtaining new sites for plant locations will be a serious problem."
p. 132
"The art of containment and removal of oil from fast-flowing streams is primitive at best. The economic incentive is to reduce the extremely high costs of clean-up by present methods. If better ways are not found to clean up oil spills, and thereby substantially reduce the effect on the environment, regulations or outright bans could be imposed which would interfere with our present flexibility of oil movement."
"The art of containment and removal of oil from fast-flowing streams is primitive at best. The economic incentive is to reduce the extremely high costs of clean-up by present methods. If better ways are not found to clean up oil spills, and thereby substantially reduce the effect on the environment, regulations or outright bans could be imposed which would interfere with our present flexibility of oil movement."
p. 134
"Without the proper oil spill clean-up procedures there is always a possibility that public opinion, influenced by Environmentalists, will force a slowdown if not a complete stop of oil exploration in the Arctic."
"Without the proper oil spill clean-up procedures there is always a possibility that public opinion, influenced by Environmentalists, will force a slowdown if not a complete stop of oil exploration in the Arctic."
p. 135
"Financial Incentive: In the case of a major oil spill without the proper corrective measures public opinion could conceivably force curtailment of oil exploration in the area."
"Financial Incentive: In the case of a major oil spill without the proper corrective measures public opinion could conceivably force curtailment of oil exploration in the area."
"From a Public Relations stand point it would be significant if Imperial Oil would instigate this kind of testing."
"From a Public Relations stand point it would be significant if Imperial Oil would instigate this kind of testing."
p. 152
"The protection of the environment and reduction of possible pollutants to an absolute minimum from processing equipment will require new technology."
"The protection of the environment and reduction of possible pollutants to an absolute minimum from processing equipment will require new technology."
p. 154
"A very major effort is programmed for this category to assure compatibility of new plant designs, and locations, and products, vis-a-vis environmental-control considerations. The total projected effort cuts across several of the R&D program categories. For easy reference, all items are summarized on one sheet in the assembly of program items accompanying this preamble. Work is planned in the following areas: a) 1980 Pollution-Free Refinery Design . b) Water Conservation . c) Air Conservation . d) Waste Disposal, Noise Control, Pollution Monitoring
"A very major effort is programmed for this category to assure compatibility of new plant designs, and locations, and products, vis-a-vis environmental-control considerations. The total projected effort cuts across several of the R&D program categories. For easy reference, all items are summarized on one sheet in the assembly of program items accompanying this preamble. Work is planned in the following areas: a) 1980 Pollution-Free Refinery Design . b) Water Conservation . c) Air Conservation . d) Waste Disposal, Noise Control, Pollution Monitoring