Amicus Brief of Family Violence Appellate Project & 30 Organizations & Individuals Representing Survivors of Family Violence: Jameson v. Desta California Supreme Court - Filed August 19, 2016

"BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE FAMILY VIOLENCE APPELLATE PROJECT AND 30 ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS REPRESENTING SURVIVORS OF FAMILY VIOLENCE IN SUPPORT OF PETITIONER BARRY JAMESON ... Because the appellant in Jameson, like the overwhelming majority of amici's clients, could not pay for a private court reporter, and because his appeal turned on evidentiary issues and oral rulings by the trial court, the Court of Appeal determined that it could not consider the merits of his arguments without a reporter's transcript and overruled them on appeal. If this holding stands, indigent family violence litigants-the vast majority of whom are pro se-in courts that do not provide a court reporter will be denied a meaningful, or in many cases any, right to appeal. For these reasons, amici have a substantial interest in this matter."
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