The DocumentCloud API

All APIs besides the authentication endpoints are served from
If you develop in Python, check out python-documentcloud which is our Python wrapper for the DocumentCloud API and its corresponding documentation.


The API end points are generally organized as /api/<resource>/ representing the entirety of the resource, and /api/<resource>/<id>/ representing a single resource identified by its ID. All REST actions are not available on every endpoint, and some resources may have additional endpoints, but the following are how HTTP verbs generally map to REST operations:


HTTP Verb REST Operation Parameters
GET List the resources May support parameters for filtering
POST Create a new resource Must supply all required fields, and may supply all non-read only fields


HTTP Verb REST Operation Parameters
GET Display the resource
PUT Update the resource Same as for creating - all required fields must be present. For updating resources PATCH is usually preferred, as it allows you to only update the fields needed. PUT support is included for completeness
PATCH Partially update the resource Same as for creating, but all fields are optional
DELETE Destroy the resources

A select few of the resources support some bulk operations on the /api/<resource>/ route:

HTTP Verb REST Operation Parameters
POST Bulk create A list of objects, where each object is what you would POST for a single object
PUT Bulk update A list of objects, where each object is what you would PUT for a single object — except it must also include the ID
PATCH Bulk partial update A list of objects, where each object is what you would PATCH for a single object — except it must also include the ID
DELETE Bulk destroy Bulk destroys will have a filtering parameter, often required, to specify which resources to delete


Lists response will be of the form

    "next": <next url if applicable>,
    "previous": <previous url if applicable>,
    "results": <list of results>

with a 200 status code. The document search route will also include a count key, with a total count of all documents returned by the search.

Getting a single resource, creating and updating will return just the object. Create uses a 201 status code and get and update will return 200.

Delete will have an empty response with a 204 status code.

Batch updates will contain a list of objects updated with a 200 status code.

Specifying invalid parameters will generally return a 400 error code with a JSON object with a single "error" key, whose value will be an error message. Specifying an ID that does not exist or that you do not have access to view will return status 404. Trying to create or update a resource you do not have permission to will return status 403.


All list views accept a per_page parameter, which specifies how many resources to list per page. It is 25 by default and may be set up to 100 for authenticated users. For anonymous users it is restricted to 25. You may register for a free account at to use the 100 limit. You may view subsequent pages by using the next URL.

Cursor Based Pagination

Page offset pagination does not scale well to a large number of pages. For improved performance, DocumentCloud uses a cursor based pagination system. Instead of a page parameter, there is a cursor parameter, which accepts an opaque cursor which specifies the last value seen. To use this system, you must use the next and previous links as returned by the API, as random access is not available. This system also restricts arbitrary ordering of the results, except for the document search route, which will still allow re-ordering with cursor based pagination.

If the cursor based pagination breaks your workflow, you may continue to use the old page-offset based pagination system for now. In the future, this will be disabled completely, and you will be forced to use the cursor based pagination. To use the page-offset based pagination, which also has a top level count key with a total count of the objects returned for all list queries, add a version=1.0 query parameter to your API queries. Be aware that this will make your queries less performant, possibly to the point of them being unusable. This should only be used as a stop-gap solution while you update your workflow to use the new cursor based pagination. Please reach out to if you need assistance moving to the new version.

Sub Resources

Some resources also support sub resources, which is a resource that belongs to another. The general format is:




It generally works the same as a resource, except scoped to the parent resource.

TODO: Examples


Filters on list views which have choices generally allow you to specify multiple values, and will filter on all resources that match at least one choices. To specify multiple parameters you may either supply a comma separated list of IDs — ?parameter=1,2 — or by specify the parameter multiple times — ?parameter=1&parameter=2.

Rate Limits

The DocumentCloud API is rate limited to 10 requests per second. It also allows bursts up to 20 requests. This means if you exceed the the 10 request per second limit, it will serve you up to 20 requests more quickly, while keeping track of your average rate. After the 20 requests are served, additional requests will be rejected with an HTTP status of 503 until you again fall under an average of 10 requests per second. If you use the Python DocumentCloud library, it will automatically throttle your requests to 10 per second to avoid going over the rate limit. If you are writing custom code, please be mindful of the rate limits.

There is also a secondary limit of 500 requests per day for anonymous users. If you exceed this limit, you will start receiving errors with an HTTP status of 429. In order to avoid this, please register for a free account at Currently, there are no daily limits of registered accounts, although this may change in the future.


Authentication happens at the MuckRock accounts server located at The API provided there will supply you with a JWT access token and refresh token in exchange for your username and password. The access token should be placed in the Authorization header preceded by Bearer - {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access token>'}. The access token is valid for 5 minutes, after which you will receive a 403 forbidden error if you continue trying to use it. At this point you may use the refresh token to obtain a new access token and refresh token. The refresh token is valid for one day.

POST /api/token/

Param Type Description
username String Your username
password String Your password


{'access': <access token>, 'refresh': <refresh token>}

POST /api/refresh/

Param Type Description
refresh String Refresh token


{'access': <access token>, 'refresh': <refresh token>}


The documents API allows you to upload, browse and edit documents. To add or remove documents from a project, please see project documents.


Field Type Options Description
ID Integer Read Only The ID for the document
access String Default: private The access level for the document
asset_url String Read Only The base URL to load this document's static assets from
canonical_url URL Read Only The canonical URL to view this document
created_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this document was created
data JSON Not Required Custom metadata
description String Not Required A brief description of the document
edit_access Bool Read Only Does the current user have edit access to this document
file_hash String Read Only A sha1 hash representation of the raw PDF data as a hexadecimal string.
file_url URL Create Only A URL to a publicly accessible document for the URL Upload Flow
force_ocr Bool Create Only Force OCR even if the PDF contains embedded text - only include if file_url is set, otherwise should set force_ocr on the call to the processing endpoint. This operation clears underlying metadata about the document like authorship, creation date, etc. If this is a concern, make sure to keep a copy of the original document.
language String Default: eng The language the document is in
noindex Bool Not required Ask search engines and DocumentCloud search to not index this document
ocr_engine string Not required Specifies which OCR engine to use on documents. Use with force_ocr set to True. Accepted values: tess4 for tesseract and textract for Amazon textract (which requires AI credits).
organization Integer Read Only The ID for the organization this document belongs to
original_extension String Default: pdf The original file extension of the document you are seeking to upload. It must be a supported file type
page_count Integer Read Only The number of pages in this document
page_spec Integer Read Only The dimensions for all pages in the document
pages JSON Write Only Allows you to set page text via the API. See set page text for more information.
presigned_url URL Read Only The pre-signed URL to directly PUT the PDF file to
projects List:Integer Create Only The IDs of the projects this document belongs to - this may be set on creation, but may not be updated. See project documents
publish_at Date Time Not Required A timestamp when to automatically make this document public
published_url URL Not Required The URL where this document is embedded
related_article URL Not Required The URL for the article about this document
revision_control Boolean Not Required Turns revision control on for this document - requires a premium account
remaining JSON Read Only The number of pages left for text and image processing - only included if remaining is included as a GET parameter
slug String Read Only The slug is a URL safe version of the title
source String Not Required The source who produced the document
status String Read Only The status for the document
title String Required The document's title
updated_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when the document was last updated
user Integer Read Only The ID for the user this document belongs to

Expandable fields: user, organization, projects, sections, notes, revisions

Uploading a Document

There are two supported ways to upload documents — directly uploading the file to our storage servers or by providing a URL to a publicly available PDF or other supported file type. To upload another supported file type you will need to include the original_extension field documented above.

Direct File Upload Flow

  1. POST /api/documents/

    To initiate an upload, you will first create the document. You may specify all writable document fields (besides file_url). The response will contain all the fields for the document, with two being of note for this flow: presigned_url and id.

    If you would like to upload files in bulk, you may POST a list of JSON objects to /api/documents/ instead of a single object. The response will contain a list of document objects.

  2. PUT <presigned_url>

    Next, you will PUT the binary data for the file to the given presigned_url. The presigned URL is valid for 5 minutes. You may obtain a new URL by issuing a GET request to /api/documents/\<id\>/.

    If you are bulk uploading, you will still need to issue a single PUT to the corresponding presigned_url for each file.

  3. POST /api/documents/<id>/process/

    Finally, you will begin processing of the document. Note that this endpoint accepts only one optional parameter — force_ocr which, if set to true, will OCR the document even if it contains embedded text.

    If you are uploading in bulk you can issue a single POST to /api/document/process/ which will begin processing in bulk. You should pass a list of objects containing the document IDs of the documents you would like to being processing. You may optionally specify force_ocr for each document.

URL Upload Flow

  1. POST /api/documents/

If you set file_url to a URL pointing to a publicly accessible PDF, our servers will fetch the PDF and begin processing it automatically.

You may also send a list of document objects with file_url set to bulk upload files using this flow.


  • GET /api/documents/ — List documents
  • POST /api/documents/ — Create document
  • PUT /api/documents/ — Bulk update documents
  • PATCH /api/documents/ — Bulk partial update documents
  • DELETE /api/documents/ — Bulk delete documents
    • Bulk delete will not allow you to indiscriminately delete all of your documents. You must specify which document IDs you want to delete using the id__in filter.
  • POST /api/documents/process/ — Bulk process documents
    • This will allow you to process multiple documents with a single API call. Expect parameters: [{"id": 1, "force_ocr": true}, {"id": 2}] It expects a list of objects, where each object contains the ID of the document to process, and an optional boolean, force_ocr, which will OCR the document even if it contains embedded text if set to true
  • GET /api/documents/search/Search documents
  • GET /api/documents/<id>/ — Get document
  • PUT /api/documents/<id>/ — Update document
  • PATCH /api/documents/<id>/ — Partial update document
  • DELETE /api/documents/<id>/ — Delete document
  • POST /api/documents/<id>/process/ — Process document
    • This will process a document. It is used after uploading the file in the direct file upload flow or to reprocess a document, which you may want to do in the case of an error. It accepts one optional boolean parameter, force_ocr, which will OCR the document even if it contains embedded text if it is set to true. Note that it is an error to try to process a document that is already processing.
  • DELETE /api/documents/<id>/process/ — Cancel processing document
    • This will cancel the processing of a document. Note that it is an error to try to cancel the processing if the document is not processing.
  • GET /api/documents/<id>/search/Search within a document


  • ordering — Sort the results — valid options include: created_at, page_count, title, and source. You may prefix any valid option with - to sort it in reverse order.
  • user — Filter by the ID of the owner of the document.
  • organization — Filter by the ID of the organization of the document.
  • project — Filter by the ID of a project the document is in.
  • access — Filter by the access level.
  • status — Filter by status.
  • created_at__lt, created_at__gt — Filter by documents created either before or after a given date. You may specify both to find documents created between two dates. This may be a date or date time, in the following formats: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS.
  • page_count, page_count__lt, page_count__gt — Filter by documents with a specified number of pages, or more or less pages then a given amount.
  • id__in — Filter by specific document IDs, passed in as comma separated values.


Notes can be left on documents for yourself, or to be shared with other users. They may contain inline HTML tags for formatting.

The following tags are allowed: <a>, <strong>, <em>, <b>, <i>. Other tags will be stripped out.


Field Type Options Description
ID Integer Read Only The ID for the note
access String Default: private The access level for the note
content String Not Required Content for the note, which may include HTML
created_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this note was created
edit_access Bool Read Only Does the current user have edit access to this note
organization Integer Read Only The ID for the organization this note belongs to
page_number Integer Required The page of the document this note appears on
title String Required Title for the note
updated_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this note was last updated
user ID Read Only The ID for the user this note belongs to
x1 Float Not Required Left most coordinate of the note, as a percentage of page size
x2 Float Not Required Right most coordinate of the note, as a percentage of page size
y1 Float Not Required Top most coordinate of the note, as a percentage of page size
y2 Float Not Required Bottom most coordinate of the note, as a percentage of page size

Expandable fields: user, organization

The coordinates must either all be present or absent — absent represents a page level note which is displayed between pages.


  • GET /api/documents/<document_id>/notes/ - List notes
  • POST /api/documents/<document_id>/notes/ - Create note
  • GET /api/documents/<document_id>/notes/<id>/ - Get note
  • PUT /api/documents/<document_id>/notes/<id>/ - Update note
  • PATCH /api/documents/<document_id>/notes/<id>/ - Partial update note
  • DELETE /api/documents/<document_id>/notes/<id>/ - Delete note


Sections can mark certain pages of your document — the viewer will show an outline of the sections allowing for quick access to those pages.


Field Type Options Description
ID Integer Read Only The ID for the section
page_number Integer Required The page of the document this section appears on
title String Required Title for the section


  • GET /api/documents/<document_id>/sections/ - List sections
  • POST /api/documents/<document_id>/sections/ - Create section
  • GET /api/documents/<document_id>/sections/<id>/ - Get section
  • PUT /api/documents/<document_id>/sections/<id>/ - Update section
  • PATCH /api/documents/<document_id>/sections/<id>/ - Partial update section
  • DELETE /api/documents/<document_id>/sections/<id>/ - Delete section


Sometimes errors happen — if you find one of your documents in an error state, you may check the errors here to see a log of the latest, as well as all previous errors. If the message is cryptic, please contact us — we are happy to help figure out what went wrong.


Field Type Options Description
ID Integer Read Only The ID for the error
created_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this error was created
message String Required The error message


  • GET /api/documents/<document_id>/errors/ - List errors


Documents may contain user supplied metadata. You may assign multiple values to arbitrary keys. This is represented as a JSON object, where each key has a list of strings as a value. The special key _tag is used by the front end to represent tags. These values are useful for searching and organizing documents. You may directly set or update the data from the document endpoints, but these additional endpoints are supplied to add or remove data on a per key basis.


Field Type Options Description
values List:String Required The values associated with a key
remove List:String Not Required Values to be removed

remove is only used for PATCHing. values is not required when PATCHing.


  • GET /api/documents/<document_id>/data/ - List values for all keys
    • The response for this is a JSON object with a property for each key, which will always be a list of strings, corresponding to the values associated with that key. Example:
        "_tag": ["important"],
        "location": ["boston", "new york"]
  • GET /api/documents/<document_id>/data/<key>/ - Get values for the given key
    • The response for this is a JSON list of strings. Example: ["one", "two"]
  • PUT /api/documents/<document_id>/data/<key>/ - Set values for the given key
    • This will override all values currently under key
  • PATCH /api/documents/<document_id>/data/<key>/ - Add and/or remove values for the given key
  • DELETE /api/documents/<document_id>/data/<key>/ - Delete all values for a given key


Redactions allow you to obscure parts of the document which are confidential before publishing them. The pages which are redacted will be fully flattened and reprocessed, so that the original content is not present in lower levels of the image or as text data. Redactions are not reversible, and may only be created, not retrieved or edited. Redacting a document strips available metadata from a document about authorship, creation date, etc. If this is a concern to you, you may want to hold onto an original copy before redaction, as it is irreversible.


Field Type Options Description
page_number Integer Required The page of the document this redaction appears on
x1 Float Required Left most coordinate of the redaction, as a percentage of page size
x2 Float Required Right most coordinate of the redaction, as a percentage of page size
y1 Float Required Top most coordinate of the redaction, as a percentage of page size
y2 Float Required Bottom most coordinate of the redaction, as a percentage of page size


  • POST /api/documents/<document_id>/redactions/ - Create redaction


Modifications allow you to perform page modification operations on a document, including moving pages, rotating pages, copying pages, deleting pages, and inserting pages from other documents. Applying modifications effectively shuffles, removes, and copies pages, preserving and duplicating page information as needed (this includes page text and any annotations and sections attached to the page). No page text needs to be reprocessed or re-OCR'd. After successfully applying modifications, the document cannot be reverted.

Modification Specification

To support a flexible host of potential modifications, you must pass in the modifications as a JSON array that lists the operations to take place. The modification specification defines the pages that should compose the document post-modification and any operations such as rotation to apply to the pages. Each element of the modification array can have the following fields (instructive examples will be listed after the official specification):

Field Description
page A comma-separated string of page ranges, which can include individual pages or hyphenated inclusive runs of pages. Page numbers are 0-based (the first page of the document is page 0, and 0-9 refers to the first through the 10th page of the document). Valid examples of page ranges include "7", "0-499", "0-5,8,11-13", and 0,0,0 (page numbers can be repeated to duplicate them).
id If unspecified, pull pages from the current document. Otherwise, pull pages from the document with the specified id.
modifications An array of JSON objects defining modifications to take place. The only currently defined page modification operation is rotate, which rotates pages clockwise, counterclockwise, or halfway. Rotation is specified as {"type": "rotate", "angle": <angle>}, where <angle> is one of cc, ccw, or hw (corresponding to clockwise, counterclockwise, and halfway, respectively).

Example Specifications

The following examples assume you are modifying the Mueller Report, a 448-page document.

Example Description
  "page": "0-447"
Leave the Mueller Report unchanged
  "page": "0-23,423-447"
Remove the middle 400 pages of the Mueller Report
  "page": "0-23,423-447"
Duplicate the first 50 pages of the Mueller Report at the end of the document
  "page": "0-447",
  "modifications": [{
    "type": "rotate",
    "angle": "ccw"
Rotate all the pages of the Mueller Report counter-clockwise
    "page": "0-49",
    "modifications": [{
      "type": "rotate",
      "angle": "hw"
  { "page": "50-447" }
Rotate just the first 50 pages of the Mueller Report 180 degrees
  { "page": "0-447" },
    "page": "0-49",
    "id": "2000000"
Import 50 pages of another document with id 2000000 at the end of the Mueller report


  • POST /api/documents/<document_id>/modifications/ - Create modifications


Entities can be extracted using Google Cloud's Natural Language API. Entity extraction must be initalized manually per document and entities are read-only.


Top level fields

Field Type Description
entity Object Object containing information about this particular entity
relevance Float An estimate as to how relevant this entity is to this document
occurences List A list of occurence objects specifying where in the document this entity was found

Fields for the entity object

Field Type Description
name String The name of the entity
kind String The kind of entity
description String A short description of the entity
mid String The Knowledge Graph ID
wikipedia_url URL The Wikipedia URL for this entity
metadata Object Additional metadata for the entity, based on its kind

Fields for the occurence objects

Field Type Description
page Integer The page of the document this occurs on
offset Integer The character offset into the document this occurs on
content String The content of this occurence (the occurence may not match the entity name)
page_offset Integer The character offset into the page this occurs on
kind String proper for proper nouns, common for common nouns or unknown

Entity kinds include

  • unknown
  • person
  • location
  • organization
  • event
  • work_of_art
  • consumer_good
  • other
  • phone_number — metadata may include number, national_prefix, area_code and extension
  • address — metadata may include street_number, locality, street_name, postal_code, country, broad_region, narrow_region, and sublocality
  • date — metadata may include year, month and day
  • price — metadata may include value and currency


  • GET /api/documents/<document_id>/entities/ - List entities for this document
  • POST /api/documents/<document_id>/entities/ - Begin extracting entities for this document (POST body is empty)
  • DELETE /api/documents/<document_id>/entities/ - Delete all entities for this document


  • kind — Filter for entities with the given kind (may give multiple, comma seperated)
  • occurences — Filter for entities with the given occurence kind (proper or common)
  • relevance__gt — Filter for documents with the given relevance or higher
  • mid — Boolean filter for entities which do or do not have a MID
  • wikipedia_url — Boolean filter for entities which do or do not have a Wikipedia URL


User's with premium accounts may activate revision control using the revision_control parameter on their documents. Enabling revision control will save a copy of the PDF whenever you take a destructive action, such as re-processing, redacting, or modifying the document. There are no dedicated endpoints for revisions. They can be viewed by passing revisions to the expand field when viewing documents.


Field Type Options Description
version Integer Read Only The version number - it increments for each new version created
user User Read Only The user who performed the action which created the new version
created_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this revision was created
comment String Read Only A brief description of what changed in this revision
url URL Read Only A link to the PDF that corresponds to this version


Projects are collections of documents. They can be used for organizing groups of documents, or for collaborating with other users by sharing access to private documents.

Sharing Documents

Projects may be used for sharing documents. When you add a collaborator to a project, you may select one of three access levels:

  • view - This gives the collaborator permission to view your documents that you have added to the project
  • edit - This gives the collaborator permission to view or edit your documents you have added to the project
  • admin - This gives the collaborator both view and edit permissions, as well as the ability to add their own documents and invite other collaborators to the project

Additionally, you may add public documents to a project, for organizational purposes. Obviously, no permissions are granted to your or your collaborators when you add documents you do not own to your project — this is tracked by the edit_access field on the project membership. When you add documents you or your organization do own, it will be added with edit_access enabled by default. You may override this using the API if you would like to add your documents to a project, but not extend permissions to any of your collaborators. Also note that documents shared with you for editing via another project may not be added to your own project with edit_access enabled. This means the original owner of a document may revoke any access they have granted to others via projects at any time.


Field Type Options Description
ID Integer Read Only The ID for the project
created_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this project was created
description String Not Required A brief description of the project
edit_access Bool Read Only Does the current user have edit access to this project
add_remove_access Bool Read Only Does the current user have permission to add and remove documents to this project
private Bool Default: false Private projects may only be viewed by their collaborators
slug String Read Only The slug is a URL safe version of the title
title String Required Title for the project
updated_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this project was last updated
user ID Read Only The ID for the user who created this project


  • GET /api/projects/ - List projects
  • POST /api/projects/ - Create project
  • GET /api/projects/<id>/ - Get project
  • PUT /api/projects/<id>/ - Update project
  • PATCH /api/projects/<id>/ - Partial update project
  • DELETE /api/projects/<id>/ - Delete project


  • user — Filter by projects where this user is a collaborator
  • document — Filter by projects which contain the given document
  • private — Filter by private or public projects. Specify either true or false.
  • slug — Filter by projects with the given slug.
  • title — Filter by projects with the given title.
  • is_shared — Filter projects by whether they are shared with the currently logged in user. Excludes projects the user owns. Boolean.
  • is_owned — Filter projects by whether the currently logged in user owns the project or not. Excludes projects shared with the user as a collaborator. Boolean.

Project Documents

These endpoints allow you to browse, add and remove documents from a project


Field Type Options Description
document Integer Required The ID for the document in the project
edit_access Bool Default: true if you have access If collaborators of this project should be granted edit access to this document

Expandable fields: document


  • GET /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/ - List documents in the project
  • POST /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/ - Add a document to the project
  • PUT /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/ - Bulk update documents in the project
    • This will set the documents in the project to exactly match the list you pass in. This means any documents currently in the project not in the list will be removed, and any in the list not currently in the project will be added.
  • PATCH /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/ - Bulk partial update documents in the project
    • This endpoint will create or update any documents in the project. It will not delete any documents currently in the project.
  • DELETE /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/ - Bulk remove documents from the project
    • You should specify which document IDs you want to delete using the document_id__in filter. This endpoint will allow you to remove all documents in the project if you call it with no filter specified.
  • GET /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/<document_id>/ - Get a document in the project
  • PUT /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/<document_id>/ - Update document in the project
  • PATCH /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/<document_id>/ - Partial update document in the project
  • DELETE /api/projects/<project_id>/documents/<document_id>/ - Remove document from the project


  • document_id__in — Filter by specific document IDs, passed in as comma separated values.


Other users who you would like share this project with. See Sharing Documents


Field Type Options Description
access String Default: view The access level for this collaborator
email Email Create Only Email address of user to add as a collaborator to this project
user Integer Read Only The ID for the user who is collaborating on this project

Expandable fields: user


  • GET /api/projects/<project_id>/users/ - List collaborators on the project
  • POST /api/projects/<project_id>/users/ - Add a collaborator to the project — you must know the email address of a user with a DocumentCloud account in order to add them as a collaborator on your project
  • GET /api/projects/<project_id>/users/<user_id>/ - Get a collaborator in the project
  • PUT /api/projects/<project_id>/users/<user_id>/ - Update collaborator in the project
  • PATCH /api/projects/<project_id>/users/<user_id>/ - Partial update collaborator in the project
  • DELETE /api/projects/<project_id>/users/<user_id>/ - Remove collaborator from the project


Organizations represent a group of users. They may share a paid plan and resources with each other. Organizations can be managed and edited from the MuckRock accounts site. You may only view organizations through the DocumentCloud API.


Field Type Options Description
ID Integer Read Only The ID for the organization
avatar_url URL Read Only A URL pointing to an avatar for the organization — normally a logo for the company
individual Bool Read Only Is this organization for the sole use of an individual
name String Read Only The name of the organization
slug String Read Only The slug is a URL safe version of the name
uuid UUID Read Only UUID which links this organization to the corresponding organization on the MuckRock Accounts Site
monthly_credits Integer Read Only Number of monthly premium credits this organization has left. This will reset to monthly_credit_allowance on credit_reset_date. Only viewable be organization members.
purchased_credits Integer Read Only Number of purchased premium credits. These do not reset or expire. Only viewable by organization members.
credit_reset_date Date Read Only The date that monthly_credits reset. Only viewable by organization members.
monthly_credit_allowance Integer Read Only The amount of credits that monthly_credits will reset to. Only viewable by organization members.
plan String Read Only The name of the plan this organization is subscribed to. Only viewable by organization members.


  • GET /api/organizations/ - List organizations
  • GET /api/organizations/<id>/ - Get an organization

Organization Premium Credits

Certain add-ons may want to charge premium credits to an organization to pay for third party services which charge per API call. They can do so using the following API:


Field Type Options Description
ai_credits Integer Required The number of premium credits to charge
note String Optional An optional note describing what the charges are for
addonrun_id UUID Optional The UUID for the add-on run to link to the charge. Optional, but should be used when called from an add-on.
  • POST /api/organizations/<id>/ai_credits/ - Charge credits to an organization. Returns a 400 response code if the organization does not have enough credits.


Users can be managed and edited from the MuckRock accounts site. You may view users and change your own active organization from the DocumentCloud API.


Field Type Options Description
ID Integer Read Only The ID for the user
avatar_url URL Read Only A URL pointing to an avatar for the user
name String Read Only The user's full name
organization Integer Required The user's active organization
organizations List:Integer Read Only A list of the IDs of the organizations this user belongs to
username String Read Only The user's username
uuid UUID Read Only UUID which links this user to the corresponding user on the MuckRock Accounts Site

Expandable fields: organization


  • GET /api/users/ - List users
  • GET /api/users/<id>/ - Get a user
  • PUT /api/users/<id>/ - Update a user
  • PATCH /api/users/<id>/ - Partial update a user


Add-Ons allow you to easily add custom features to DocumentCloud. Learn more about Add-Ons. Add-Ons are added by installing the GitHub App in the repository you would like to use as an add-on. The API allows you to view, edit and run your add-ons. If you are looking to call existing Add-Ons using the API, read our guide on this page.


Field Type Options Description
ID Integer Read Only The ID for the add-on
access String Read Only The access level for the add-on (will be settable in the future)
active Bool Default: false Whether this add-on is pinned for you
created_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this add-on was created
name String Read Only The name of the add-on (set in the configuration)
organization Integer Not Required The ID for the organization this add-on belongs to
parameters JSON Read Only The contents of the config.yaml file from the repository, converted to JSON
repository String Read Only The full name of the GitHub repository, including the account name
updated_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when the add-on was last updated
user Integer Read Only The ID for the user this add-on belongs to

Your pinned add-ons are shown to you in the add-on sidebar.


  • GET /api/addons/ - List add-ons
  • GET /api/addons/<id>/ - Get an add-on
  • PUT /api/addons/<id>/ - Update an add-on
  • PATCH /api/addons/<id>/ - Partial update an add-on


  • active — Filter by only your pinned add-ons
  • query — Searches for add-ons which contain the query in their name or description

Add-On Runs

Add-on runs represent an invocation of an add-on. You create one to run the add-on. The add-on itself can then update the add-on run as a means of supplying feedback to the caller.


Field Type Options Description
UUID UUID Read Only The ID for the add-on run
addon Integer Required The ID of the add-on that is being ran
created_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when this add-on was created
dismissed Bool Default: false Add-on runs are shown to the user until they are dismissed
file_name String Write Only The add-on must set this to the name of the file supplied to presigned_url after uploading the file to make it accessible to the user
file_url URL Read Only The URL of a file uploaded via presigned_url
message String Not Required Add-ons may set infromational messages to the user while running
parameters JSON Write Only The add-on specific data
presigned_url URL Read Only Only included if you set the upload_file query parameter to the name of the file to upload. This is a URL the add-on can directly PUT a file to in order to return it to the user
progress Integer Not Required Long running add-ons may set this as a percentage of their progress
status String Read Only The status of the run - queued, in_progress, success, or failure
updated_at Date Time Read Only Time stamp when the add-on was last updated
user Integer Read Only The ID for the user who ran the add-on


  • addon — Filter runs by a specific add-on ID.
  • event — Filter runs by a specific add-on event.
  • dismissed — Filter runs by whether the run was dismissed or not.


  • POST /api/addon_runs/ - Create a new add-on run - this will start the run using GitHub actions
  • GET /api/addon_runs - List add-on runs
  • GET /api/addon_runs/<uuid>/ - Get an add-on run
  • PUT /api/addon_runs/<uuid>/ - Update an add-on run
  • PATCH /api/addon_runs/<uuid>/ - Partial update an add-on run

Add-On Events

An Add-On event represents a condition or trigger for executing an add-on within the system. This corresponds to scheduled Add-Ons, whether they run when a new document is uploaded or on an hourly, daily or weekly schedule.


Field Type Options Description
id Integer Read Only The unique identifier for the Add-On event.
addon Integer Required The ID of the Add-On associated with this event.
user Integer Read Only The ID of the user who created or is associated with this event.
parameters JSON Write Only The user supplied parameters to run the add-on with.
event Integer Required The event to trigger the Add-On run. 0 is disabled. 1 is hourly. 2 is daily. 3 is weekly. 4 is upload.
scratch JSON Optional Field to store data for Add-On between events.
created_at Date Time Read Only Timestamp indicating when the add-on event was created.
updated_at Date Time Read Only Timestamp indicating the last time the add-on event was updated.


  • GET /api/addon-events/ - Retrieves a list of add-on events that are viewable to the current user.
  • POST /api/addon-events/ - Creates a new add-on event.
  • GET /api/addon-events/{id}/ - Retrieves a specific add-on event by its ID.
  • PUT /api/addon-events/{id}/ - Updates an existing add-on event.
  • PATCH /api/addon-events/{id}/ - Partially updates an existing add-on event.


  • addon — Filter events by a specific add-on ID.


Generate an embed code for a document using our oEmbed service.


Field Type Options Description
url URL Required The URL for the document to get an embed code for
maxwidth Integer The maximum width of the embedded resource
maxheight Integer The maximum height of the embedded resource


  • GET /api/oembed/ - Get an embed code for a given URL


Access Levels

The access level allows you to control who has access to your document by default. You may also explicitly share a document with additional users by collaborating with them on a project.

  • public – Anyone on the internet can search for and view the document
  • private – Only people with explicit permission (via collaboration) have access
  • organization – Only the people in your organization have access

For notes, the organization access level will extend access to all users with edit access to the document — this includes project collaborators.


The status informs you to the current status of your document.

  • success – The document has been succesfully processed
  • readable – The document is currently processing, but is readable during the operation
  • pending – The document is processing and not currently readable
  • error – There was an error during processing
  • nofile – The document was created, but no file was uploaded yet

Supported File Types

Format Extension Type Notes
AbiWord ABW, ZABW Document
Adobe PageMaker PMD, PM3, PM4, PM5, PM6, P65 Document, DTP
AppleWorks word processing CWK Document Formerly called ClarisWorks
Adobe FreeHand AGD, FHD Graphics / Vector
Apple Keynote KTH, KEY Presentation
Apple Numbers Numbers Spreadsheet
Apple Pages Pages Document
BMP file format BMP Graphics / Raster
Comma-separated values CSV, TXT Text
CorelDRAW 6-X7 CDR, CMX Graphics / Vector
Computer Graphics Metafile CGM Graphics Binary-encoded only; not those using clear-text or character-based encoding
Data Interchange Format DIF Spreadsheet
DBase, Clipper, VP-Info, FoxPro DBF Database
Encapsulated PostScript EPS Graphics
Enhanced Metafile EMF Graphics / Vector / Text
FictionBook FB2 eBook
Gnumeric GNM, GNUMERIC Spreadsheet
Graphics Interchange Format GIF Graphics / Raster
Hangul WP 97 HWP Document Newer "5.x" documents are not supported
HPGL plotting file PLT Graphics
HTML HTML, HTM Document, text
Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 JTD, JTT Document
Lotus 1-2-3 WK1, WKS, 123, wk3, wk4 Spreadsheet
Macintosh Picture File PCT Graphics
MathML MML Math
Microsoft Excel 2003 XML XML Spreadsheet
Microsoft Excel 4/5/95 XLS, XLW, XLT Spreadsheet
Microsoft Excel 97–2003 XLS, XLW, XLT Spreadsheet
Microsoft Excel 2007-2016 XLSX Spreadsheet
Microsoft Office 2007-2016 Office Open XML DOCX, XLSX, PPTX Multiple formats
Microsoft PowerPoint 97–2003 PPT, PPS, POT Presentation
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007-2016 PPTX Presentation
Microsoft Publisher PUB Document, DTP
Microsoft RTF RTF Document
Microsoft Word 2003 XML (WordprocessingML) XML Document
Microsoft Word DOC, DOT, DOCX Document
Microsoft Works WPS, WKS, WDB Multiple Microsoft Works for Mac formats since 4.1
Microsoft Write WRI Document
Microsoft Visio VSD Graphics / Vector
Netpbm format PGM, PBM, PPM Graphics / Raster
OpenDocument ODT, FODT, ODS, FODS, ODP, FODP, ODG, FODG, ODF Multiple formats
Open Office Base ODB Database forms, data XML SXW, STW, SXC, STC, SXI, STI, SXD, STD, SXM Multiple formats
PCX PCX Graphics
Photo CD PCD Presentation
PhotoShop PSD Graphics
Plain text TXT Text Various encodings supported
Portable Document Format PDF Document Including hybrid PDF


  • ara – Arabic
  • zho – Chinese (Simplified)
  • tra – Chinese (Traditional)
  • hrv – Croatian
  • dan – Danish
  • nld – Dutch
  • eng – English
  • fra – French
  • deu – German
  • heb – Hebrew
  • hun – Hungarian
  • ind – Indonesian
  • ita – Italian
  • jpn – Japanese
  • kor – Korean
  • nor – Norwegian
  • por – Portuguese
  • ron – Romanian
  • rus – Russian
  • spa – Spanish
  • swe – Swedish
  • ukr – Ukrainian

Page Spec

The page spec is a compressed string that lists dimensions in pixels for every page in a document. Refer to ListCrunch for the compression format. For example, 612.0x792.0:0-447

Static Assets

The static assets for a document are loaded from different URLs depending on its access level. Append the following to the asset_url returned to load the static asset:

Asset Path Description
Document documents/<id>/<slug>.pdf The original document
Full Text documents/<id>/<slug>.txt The full text of the document, obtained from the PDF or via OCR
JSON Text documents/<id>/<slug>.txt.json The text of the document, in a custom JSON format (see below)
Page Text documents/<id>/pages/<slug>-p<page number>.txt The text for each page in the document
Page Positions documents/<id>/pages/<slug>-p<page number>.position.json The position of text on each page, in a custom JSON format
Page Image documents/<id>/pages/<slug>-p<page number>-<size>.gif An image of each page in the document, in various sizes

<size> may be one of large, normal, small, or thumbnail


The TXT JSON file is a single file containing all of the text, but broken out per page. This is useful if you need the text per page for every page, as you can download just a single file. There is a top level object with an updated key, which is a Unix time stamp of when the file was last updated. There may be an is_import key, which will be set to true if this document was imported from legacy DocumentCloud. The last key is pages which contains the per page info. It is a list of objects, one per page. Each page object will have a page key, which is a 0-indexed page number. There is a contents key which contains the text for the page. There is an ocr key, which is the version of OCR software used to obtain the text. Finally there is an updated key, which is a Unix time stamp of when this page was last updated.

Position JSON Format

The position JSON file constains position information for each word of text on the page. It is an optional file, which may be generated depending on the type of OCR run on the document. If it exists, it will be a JSON array, which contains a JSON object for each word of text. The object for each word will have the following fields:

  • text - The text for the current word
  • x1, x2, y1, y2 - The coordinates of the bounding box for this word on the page. Each value will be between 0 and 1 and represents a percentage of the width or height of the page.

Set Page Text

The format to set the page text is similar to the text formats described above. The pages field may be set to a JSON array of page objects, with the following fields:

Field Type Options Description
page_number Integer Required The page number you would like to set the page text for, zero indexed
text String Required The updated text for the given page
ocr String Not Required An optional identifier for the OCR engine used to generate this text
positions Array of JSON Objects Not Required Optionally set the position of each word of text, see next table for details

The position field in each pages object is a JSON array of position objects, with the following fields:

Field Type Options Description
text String Required A single word on the page
x1 Float Required Left most coordinate of the word, as a percentage of page size
x2 Float Required Right most coordinate of the word, as a percentage of page size
y1 Float Required Top most coordinate of the word, as a percentage of page size
y2 Float Required Bottom most coordinate of the word, as a percentage of page size
metadata JSON Not Required Any extra metadata that you would like to store with this word

Example JSON setting just the page text:

    {"page_number": 0, "text": "Page 1 text"},
    {"page_number": 1, "text": "Page 2 text"}

Example JSON setting the page text and word positions:

        "page_number": 0,
        "text": "Page 1 text",
        "ocr": "my-ocr-engine",
        "positions": [
                "text": "Page",
                "x1": 0.1,
                "x2": 0.2,
                "y1": 0.1,
                "y2": 0.2,
                "metadata": {"type": "word"}
                "text": "1",
                "x1": 0.3,
                "x2": 0.4,
                "y1": 0.1,
                "y2": 0.2,
                "metadata": {"type": "word"}
                "text": "text",
                "x1": 0.5,
                "x2": 0.6,
                "y1": 0.1,
                "y2": 0.2,
                "metadata": {"type": "word"}

Expandable Fields

The API uses expandable fields in a few places, which are implemented by the Django REST - FlexFields package. It allows related fields, which would normally be returned by ID, be expanded into the fully nested representation. This allows you to save additional requests to the server when you need the related information, but for the server to not need to serve this information when it is not needed.

To expand one of the expandable fields, which are document in the fields section for each resource, add the expand query parameter to your request:


To expand multiple fields, separate them with a comma:


You may also expand nested fields if the expanded field has its own expandable fields:


To expand all fields:
